Feal 441 vs 441+, worth the cost?


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Jul 28, 2017
Was shopping for coilovers and saw Feal is offering a 441+ model that comes with swift springs and adjustable spring rates. Has anyone tried one and/or the other or noticed a difference?
The plus model is an interesting change to their range. It used to be they only came with swift springs. That is what my 441s have. Unless you are racing, you might not notice a huge difference. I don't know anything about their now standard spring, but swifts are going to be more consistently matched to the advertised spring rates. Custom valving used to be standard too. I would inquire what their standard versions spring rates are for. If its just a street car, and that is not some race spec, those might be fine for you. If you do the research for motion rates, unsprung weight, car weight, and handling dynamics custom might benefit you. If you get them, make sure they know you have an awd model. They sent Godzilla Juice some fwd rears and they were far too long and he could not lower the rear.
How do they ride? I'm looking to change out my suspension and was considering these. The only other option was the new KYB struts with lowering springs if I can find a decent one offered.
94 MR2 Turbo":3hvxr30e said:
How do they ride? I'm looking to change out my suspension and was considering these. The only other option was the new KYB struts with lowering springs if I can find a decent one offered.

I find them firm, but tolerable. They are compliant over rough pavement, but what everyone considers a good ride is subjective. Compared to my Teins, they rid much better.