Hey all, it’s been a very long time since I posted anything here, so this may not be the right place. I need some advice for how to move forward with this project of mine, anything would be great. I’ll go into the story here and what I need, but if you want to skip ahead there will be a TLDR at the bottom.
About 3 years ago my turbo blew so I had it sent to a rebuild shop and put back in the car by a local shop. They drove it a bit and said it was good to go, but 5 minutes into driving home the turbo blew up again so I had to rebuild that one too. The local shop didn’t look into what may have caused the first one to blow and just put the second turbo in assuming I had overboosted the first. The rebuild shop said both turbos had been oil starved, and when the local shop looked into it they found that I had insane blowby and figured the piston rings were ****** so badly the oil just couldn’t make it back to the turbo in time. They also could no longer work on it for the reason of moving locations and unable to store the car so they gave it back to me in pretty rough shape and with the third newly rebuilt turbo in the box. Having sunk thousands of dollars into this thing over the years for various jobs like fixing the a/c system and turbo just to have several shops in my area fail my car and literally ban it for being too hard to work on essentially just taking my money to **** my car up and leave, I’ve decided to take it upon myself to either unfuck it or **** it up in a way that I understand. Several weeks ago I started following the shop manual I bought for it and started doing the tear down so I could reach the piston rings and assess the cylinders and go from there. I didn’t want to pull the motor though because this isn’t my first time really getting this involved in a project like this, so I elected to leave it in the car for this project.
NOW is the part I’m stuck on asking for help. I’ve made it up to the point of needing to remove the intake manifold and good lord... I’ve seen from another thread here that it’s possible with the engine in the car but a massive pain. I’ve been stuck here for a while now and I’m starting to get burnt out despite being so close to actually being able to pull the motor apart. Is it worth it at this point trying to continue, or should I consider putting the engine hangers back on and going through the process to pull the motor instead? I have a bit of a deadline for needing to put it outside to make room for other vehicles once snow hits and I’d rather not put it back outside in the state that it’s in and make it even harder to get road worthy after 3 years of not running. Has anyone here taken off the intake manifold without removing the engine that would have advice on specific tools or methods that would make this job easier?
TLDR; I need to remove the head to get at the pistons and such, but I’m getting burnt out trying to take the intake manifold off while the engine is in the car because of the confined space. Should I switch courses and try pulling the motor instead, or do I stick to taking the manifold off while in the car, and if so what methods or tools could make this job easier?
The picture is the current state of the project right now. Any help would be huge
About 3 years ago my turbo blew so I had it sent to a rebuild shop and put back in the car by a local shop. They drove it a bit and said it was good to go, but 5 minutes into driving home the turbo blew up again so I had to rebuild that one too. The local shop didn’t look into what may have caused the first one to blow and just put the second turbo in assuming I had overboosted the first. The rebuild shop said both turbos had been oil starved, and when the local shop looked into it they found that I had insane blowby and figured the piston rings were ****** so badly the oil just couldn’t make it back to the turbo in time. They also could no longer work on it for the reason of moving locations and unable to store the car so they gave it back to me in pretty rough shape and with the third newly rebuilt turbo in the box. Having sunk thousands of dollars into this thing over the years for various jobs like fixing the a/c system and turbo just to have several shops in my area fail my car and literally ban it for being too hard to work on essentially just taking my money to **** my car up and leave, I’ve decided to take it upon myself to either unfuck it or **** it up in a way that I understand. Several weeks ago I started following the shop manual I bought for it and started doing the tear down so I could reach the piston rings and assess the cylinders and go from there. I didn’t want to pull the motor though because this isn’t my first time really getting this involved in a project like this, so I elected to leave it in the car for this project.
NOW is the part I’m stuck on asking for help. I’ve made it up to the point of needing to remove the intake manifold and good lord... I’ve seen from another thread here that it’s possible with the engine in the car but a massive pain. I’ve been stuck here for a while now and I’m starting to get burnt out despite being so close to actually being able to pull the motor apart. Is it worth it at this point trying to continue, or should I consider putting the engine hangers back on and going through the process to pull the motor instead? I have a bit of a deadline for needing to put it outside to make room for other vehicles once snow hits and I’d rather not put it back outside in the state that it’s in and make it even harder to get road worthy after 3 years of not running. Has anyone here taken off the intake manifold without removing the engine that would have advice on specific tools or methods that would make this job easier?
TLDR; I need to remove the head to get at the pistons and such, but I’m getting burnt out trying to take the intake manifold off while the engine is in the car because of the confined space. Should I switch courses and try pulling the motor instead, or do I stick to taking the manifold off while in the car, and if so what methods or tools could make this job easier?
The picture is the current state of the project right now. Any help would be huge