Mini SE Tennessee Dragon Meet

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I wouldn't mind goin......just have a couple car issues to take care of before hand if I plan on makin a long trip like that though.

in a related issue.....anyone in or near Northern Va know to fix an unspring clutch that might have the proper equipment? buying the parts for me isn't hard....but since I know nothing about fixing clutches, trannies, or engines..(everything else is learnable pretty easy) I have not the recources or the know how to fix my tranny so I can race.


I just can't afford the shop lol.

Also, if you have a digital video camera we can make a decent movie.

I figure if we have 3 cameras or so, we can get each car with an interior shot while someone else gets video of the car from behind or in front and then someone else waits at the turn and gets the cars going by. With multiple video cameras, I should be able to edit it to look pretty damn cool, especially on the dragon.
So this gives me a month to finish the car then troubleshoot. Anybody want to come help beforehand, bring tools. :D

BTW: I may not have an extra video cam. That $$ maybe going into the Z to pay it off. Still, I may try and rent one and we can download the data to my mac and I can make everyone a nice VCD.
My Goal is to have the car ready and running by early next month. Wish me luck .

Who all is definate?
Who all is planning on staying the night in town?
Who all has a video and digital camera?
im gona be there.. even if its like last years meet :p

ill be staying somewhere either PF or the knox area and im bringing digital cam and my DVD camcorder... i dont know if ill be in either of my celicas though... ill just have to see how stuff goes between now and then if i trust either of them to make it that far... i might have to get my friend to come in her 7th gen so i dont feel SO out of place :smokes:
Everyone verify they are coming and I can try and help figure out lodging for everyone.

I think there is a mr2 meet at the dragon during the same time so that might be even more fun.
I haven't been around the forums for a bit but I should be able to make it. Glad you reminded me Josh... :wink: I just bought two digital cams and would be bringing the sticky pod.
What is the location of this meet? Josh , can you pm me more info? Hope this works out!
We do need to pick a meeting location.

I live about 30 minutesor so to the dragon. If we meet in knoxville we can meet at a place to eat then head to the dragon.

Or we can meet in sevierivlle or pigeon forge, but we will have to deal with tourists traffic if we do. I know the back way to the dragon from knoxville, and traffic is minimal.

The dragon cane take 20 minutes to 45 minutes to run 1 way. There is a stop at the end with another rough cool road worth running that people rarely bother with that goes to Tellico Village. Its another 15 minute run 1 way.

We also have th option for running the skyway. It takes a couple of hours but has lots of nice sweepers and a better veiw then the dragon.

There are plenty of places for pictures and videos. I already have the coriography worked out for the movie so if we get a little coopoeration and use 1 run just to make lots of stops and swap camera etc... we can make a bad ass video.

If I didn't have to buy 2 plane tickets to malaysia I would have bought a camera too and a bluetooth mic to put near the engine for nice BG sound.

I think it will be best to either meet at my house or a restuarant near my house. I live right off of I-40 which will keep it simple, then we can convoy to the dragon after a meal and some introductions.
Ohhh, are we still doing this on the 21 or the 22nd? We will be heading down to florida for the $2006 Challenge.... :(
Well maybe you can stop by on your way up or down.

Its getting closer, anyone sure if they can make it or not. Dustin is coming for sure. We are going to try to make a pretty cool vid. Dustin is brining a cam, and I am going to try and barrow one. I am also trying to buy a car camera pod. I am also working on a remix for the video.

So lets start a list of whos going.

1) CMS-gt4 (Coldiron)
2) Intiald93 (Dustin)