Look at these headlights


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Active member
Aug 8, 2004
Savage, MN
Ive seen these before but just thought I'd bring it up again cause I might want to do something like it.
check them out here

http://www.freewebs.com/1990-awdceli/st ... lights.htm

Its two round headlights put between bumper and the headlights where the carbon fiber would go. Anyone have and info on these?

BTW we need and exterior forum section
:eek: :shoots: :nono: :notworthy: :pissed: :crazy: :bangshead: :bs: :eek:wned: :rofl: :shrug: :smokes:

Icon fun
I think that is ugly. Now, if you could keep the flip up lights, and replace the big square lamp with those two round pieces, that'd be nice. Then all you would do is open up like sleepy eyes (half way), and voila. Besides, how would those two round pieces would look at night? Just my personal preference though.

Actually thats been done, the half flip up with two round projectors lights. I just need to find the pics, in fact I think someone from the old board did that.
someone did do it, but I forgot thier login name. He used a pivot controller to set the height and a high & low beam hid set, there was an actual link to the company that made them in a topic on the old board, can we get any help with that mods?
Phonger":3r3ulmv9 said:
Anyone have and info on these?

Two words: PHOTO SHOP

It's not real. It's just a little brainstorming exercise a few of us went through on the Y! group quite a while ago.

I think Jose R. was working on a real version of something similar.
Scothaniel has projector headlight conversion on his white ST185.

Here is another one.

Griffin":3rzstnbh said:
I dunno - call me crazy but I *like* the good ol square pop ups. They're more intimidating :)
Me too. I like them how they are. When I first got my ST185, I wanted the H4 conversion, but I decided against it since the stockers do just fine.
i saw one of those on a F probe...it didnt look that good...the square ones make it look unique too bad the F probe has square ones also...
Argh I dislike those ford probes, alot of times I mistake them for celica's. And there's always one that parks next to me when i'm at school, he probably thinks there some connection or soemthing because we both have pop up head lights :roll:
yea i hate them too...they seem to like to mess with me when im in a celica...they need a life
Phonger":7o8p8dn1 said:
he probably thinks there some connection or soemthing because we both have pop up head lights :roll:

HAHA so true, i get a guy coming up to me all the time at the gas station or whatever with his 86 probe GT "hey u got a turbo too! cool! lets go race downtown my friends have fast cars too, sunfires and civics..."
Griffin":37osz83j said:
I dunno - call me crazy but I *like* the good ol square pop ups. They're more intimidating :)

It's the sign of a good butt kickn'

I love the pop ups, just convert them to the H4 bulbs, and be done with it!!